Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Whooda Thunk?

Things I never thought I'd say or do in the pool:

1. Just 2000 yards, today

2. I'm just swimming too fast

3. Find myself swimming SO slowly I focused on form issues, only to find the minor changes were making me go faster (which was already a problem, see 2)

4. Talking with other swimmers because 20 seconds rest interval is just TOO long

And now for something completely different...

B-Boy on the slide

B-Boy and Grandpa B

My babies at the beach


tri-mama said...

Whole lotta love in those pics! Is swimming too fast really a problem? I know, training for an ironman...but fast is fun sometimes. :-)

Dances with Corgis said...

YAY for improvements in the pool!! :) Now if only we could think of a way to prepare for the polution in the Ohio river.

TriDaddy said...

Great pics of the kids! Glad you enjoyed the weather in Va!

Veeg said...

Go you! Is that a dorsal fin I see?

Carrie said...

Gorgeous babes at the beach!

Cliff said...

Congrats, Iron Pol.

I need to get myself back in the pool. I miss the chlorine.

Anonymous said...

Pol, all the pix are great -- but the one of B-Boy and Grandpa B with the footprints is positively poetic.

Talking between repeats is good ...

Wrenched Photography said...

Wha?! I was sooooo close to meeting RA Royalty! I live in VA Beach now. Glad the Pol clan had a great trip.

momo said...

your pics are beautiful and the kids are... too cute for words!

Triteacher said...

It's taken me 3 years of masters classes to be able to say some of those things. Feels good, doesn't it?

Iron Pol said...

I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for the positive comments and the compliments about our children. We think they're wonderful, though we have a bit of bias.

Wendy, I agree with your take on the picture of B-Boy and his grandpa. You put it exactly how I was trying to say it. I see it as a picture that will cause a lot of remiscence in they future.

Fe-lady said...

Great photos- would frame the one of b-boy and g'pa! (For g'pa and b-boy!)
Congrats on being such a sharkie in the pool!
Talking during rest times? Sweet!

Jonah Holland said...

Like the changes you've made to your site. You are a fish, man...
..I think your boy and mine must be the same age....cute, cute babies!

Lisa said...

Beautiful babies!

Talking during rest intervals is a good feeling. :) Until the coach yells at you. hehe