Sunday, September 24, 2006

It Is Done

Four a.m. wakeup - Check

Fourth marathon - In the bag

Sub 4-hour goal - I own it

Net result - I'm beat

Race reports for B-Boy's event and my marathon later.


Nancy Toby said...

Way to go, Pol!!!! Report, report, report!! *cheering and stomping feet*

Cliff said...

Congrats Iron Pol...i never though i can break 4 hr marathon..but after seeing how much i have improve on my is very doable.

Can't wait to hear the race report.

a.maria said...

many many congrats.. can't wait to hear about it!

Trisaratops said...

Yahooooo!! Nice job, Iron Pol! Can't wait for the report.

Veeg said...

WOOHOO! Looks like you beat it by about. . . four minutes. :)

So happy for you!

Joy | Love | Chaos said...

Many congratulations! You must be so proud! Good going, Pol.