Tuesday, December 12, 2006

World's Easiest

Without distracting from my artful rant about Blogger (see previous post), I want to announce what will certainly be the world's easiest contest, taking place right here at Iron Pol.

There won't be any mind boggling triathlon trivia for which Roman is so well known. You won't be required to figure out insanely personal information reminiscent of Trigreyhound (because I don't want you all cyberstalking me). And there is no requirement that you challenge an Athena (not Amazon) to a feat of strength or financial doom.

Nope, all you have to do is leave a comment. If your e-mail address isn't available through your post, drop me a note. I will have to be able to contact the luck winner(s). The total number of winners will be determined by the number of comments received between now and next Monday. I guarantee at least a first place prize, and will add prize packages as comments increase in groups of 20. The first twenty have one prize. The second group of 20 (or portion thereof) guarantees a second prize package. The third group (or similar portion) generates a third package. I reserve the right to limit the total number of packages to three, or come up with additional prizes as I see fit. Winners will be determined by random drawing performed by the accounting firm of Mrs. Pol and Kids, LLC (not to be confused with a real company).

Some potential prizes include, but are not limited to: A Fuel Belt running visor, Fox Cities Triathlon Club socks complete with the world famous fox, a FCTC water bottle, and Gu gels. All prizes include shipping within the continental US.

Good luck! And remind your friends to play, so there will be more prize packages.


:) said...

I'm First!!!

Dances with Corgis said...

I've been having the same problems, although if I click "remember me" it tends to not be as annoying.

Lisa said...

So if I comment multiple times, will it get me more chances to win? ;)

Comm's said...

You are not only a genius, but insanely good looking. Hope that helps my cause.

Nancy Toby said...


Duane said...

Pick me! Pick me!

Deb said...

I have (hopefully) left my mark!

Unknown said...

bats eyelashes :)

TriDaddy said...

How am I not surprised that Flatman was first?

Papa Tweet said...

This may sound riducuous, but as simple as this game is, I'm still confused. I hate being the guy that's lost. Anyway, I never claimed to be a scholar.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh. Prizes!!!! (Sometimes I even comment when there aren't prizes, too.)

Brent Buckner said...

Comment ho'!

And a crafty one at that....

Vickie said...

Here's your comment, although I'm not really sure what I'm commenting on, other than the chance to win a big triathlon realted prize! Yahoo.

Bigun said...

how 'bout dognuts? They make great prizes! Or a MickyDees gift cert.

Triteacher said...

Hey, this sounds easy and fun. I'm in!

Veeg said...

Wow. Comment ho-ing reaches epic proportions! ;)

Anonymous said...

A contest that doesn't involve taking on an Athena? Sounds like fear to me.

Anonymous said...

Do I win??!!

Nancy Toby said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS to all the Pols!!!

(Does that give me more chances to win??)

Bolder said...

the correct answer, is:

Rome, Italy.