Thursday, March 01, 2007

Swimming Naked

Some days you just want to take it all off and swim naked. Sure, it might be somewhat taboo. Yes, others in the pool may look in shock when they realize what you're doing. And yes, you'll probably be a bit self-concious.

You head into the pool quickly, hoping nobody you know is there to see you. Jumping into the water, you start to swim quickly. You eye the lifeguard hoping he doesn't notice, or at least doesn't say anything. After all, you've seen others do it, before.

You count laps so you'll know how far you've gone before anyone says anything. You eye the clock so you'll know how long it takes for someone to notice. But the freedom is wonderful. Every lap is easier when you don't have to worry about the normal constraints society places upon you.

The pool empties quickly. Perhaps it's just because of the poor weather. But maybe it's because of YOU. Only one guy is still in the pool when you leave. You head back to the locker room quickly, glad that none of your normal swim partners saw you.

Yes, some days you just want to swim naked.

And other days, you forget your watch at home.


Spokane Al said...

Very clever. I liked your post!

Carrie said...

Is your watch your speedo? Wouldn't that make for an interesting flip turn?

TriDaddy said...

You should have just gone anyway. Just strut into the pool buck naked and announce, "it's okay, I'm training for Ironman". People would understand. (I think)

Iron Pol said...

I did swim. 2000 yards, sans watch. I know, the shame. What will I do next?

Triteacher said...

Woah, you had me worried there for a sec! Cuz, honestly, swimming naked isn't all that fun...

Papa Tweet said...

Thanks to you, I had to listen to Nytro read a story about IronPol swimming naked. We were in the kitchen for crying out loud! Right where I eat my meals! Please do me a favor and never forget your watch again. I'm still disinfecting the dinner table. Thanks

Iron Pol said...

Anything to bring a married couple together.

I recommend bleach. Pine Sol smells nice, but you can't beat bleach for flat out "yuck" killing power.

Bigun said...

Swimming naked might help correct that open water tendancy I have to swim to the right...

momo said...

the freedom, that's the best part! i always swim naked... ;-)

Joy | Love | Chaos said...

Even more fun? Running naked! ;)