Thursday, February 08, 2007

TBC Finds Fixes Blogger Misses

Okay, between Nytro and Flo, at least one of the major bugs of "new" blogger can be resolved. Spread the word, because most are still lost on this one. Blogger is included in "most" as they are clueless to the problem. This is evidenced by the fact that none of the requests for help on this issue from the past six months has had a single response.

The issue at hand is the "No" addresses in e-mails resulting from comments. Both have offered information that may help resolve any challenges posed by blogger.

Nytro addressed an address issue in a previously mentioned post. Though my address wasn't altered, apparently some addresses are changed to extensions or removed entirely. This results in incorrect or no address being used. This can be corrected in your profile.

Flo pointed out that the beta version requires each of us to select whether an e-mail address is shown. It doesn't specifically mention it, but this is the item that determines whether your e-mail address is shown on comment messages. You can set this in your profile, as well.

Thanks to these two for identifying an issue and sharing it with the world. I am baffled as to why blogger/google admin types haven't offered this assistance. That's okay, though. We know the TBC is the best in the world.


Anonymous said...

i do what i can...

Flo said...

Really, who needs blogger?!?!?!?!

Joy | Love | Chaos said...

Or, you can throw your computer out the window in frustration when your comment is deleted or you can't find someone's email to reply *anywhere* in your inbox.

But, that's, of couse, the *least* well adjusted way of handling the situ!